An Implantation to Help Manage Complex Pain Conditions

When you’re living with chronic pain, and all other pain management options have failed, you might assume surgery is your only option. In some cases, however, spinal cord stimulation might help you find relief without undergoing a full surgical procedure. Spinal cord stimulation works by implanting a device that sends low levels of electricity into your spinal cord. Whenever you feel pain, you use a remote to send electrical pulses through your spine, helping to alleviate symptoms. Spinal cord stimulation can be life-changing for those who need it. If you think you might be a good fit, schedule an appointment with the team today.

When is Spinal Cord Stimulation the Right Choice?

Chronic Pain

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome



Peripheral Vascular Disease

Implanting a Spinal Cord Stimulator: What to Expect

Deciding to have a spinal cord stimulator implanted is a significant decision. The Hands of Hope physicians will work closely with you and other care team members to determine if spinal cord stimulation is the right choice for you. If you decide to go forward with the procedure, you can expect specialized training and a trial period to ensure the device works as expected.

The device has three main parts:

- Electrodes, which we will place between the spinal cord and vertebrae
- A generator, a small battery pack that powers the electrodes and that we will place under the skin near the abdomen or buttocks
- A remote, which you will use to direct the stimulator

You’ll go through two implantation processes:

- The trial, during which we will implant trial electrodes but not the generator
- The final implantation, in which we replace the trial electrodes with permanent ones and implant the generator

For those living with severe, treatment-resistant pain, spinal cord stimulation can dramatically improve quality of life. However, we do recommend exploring all other options, save full surgery, before moving forward.

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