SI Joint Injection

One reason why back pain is so common is that it can have several different causes. And sometimes, lower back pain stems from your sacroiliac (SI) joint, the point at which your spine attaches to your pelvis. An SI joint injection from Hands of Hope can help determine if your SI joint is the source of your pain–and provide much-needed relief. Think you might benefit from an SI joint injection? Schedule an initial consultation at our Lincoln Place, Bedford, prospect, and Flatbush clinics to find out more!

What Can Cause SI Joint Pain?

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction



Ankylosing Spondylitis

What To Expect During the Procedure

An SI joint injection is a relatively simple procedure, and you’ll be able to go home the same day. During the appointment, we’ll help you get comfortable as you lay face down on an examining table, giving us access to your SI Joint.

We’ll numb the insertion point and use an X-ray to guide the injection into your joint, ensuring accuracy. There may be slight discomfort during the injection, but it should only last a few seconds.

We’ll generally keep you at the clinic for about half an hour to ensure a good recovery. Our physicians will also provide personalized information about any activity restriction after the shot, as it can cause slight soreness or weakness in your back and leg. We generally recommend you have someone drive you home afterward.

Find relief from SI joint pain at Hands of Hope. Call our Lincoln Place, Bedford, Prospect, and Flatbush clinics today to get started!

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